We should use lnlafidl biodegradable cups and plates instead of PLA. PLA uses MORE fossil fuels than biodegradable PE in its life cycle. It is also responsible for increased food costs- milk, meat, butter, bread, chicken. It is polluting aquifers and the Gulf of Mexico with the fertilizers corn uses- nitrogen. There is a dead zone the size of New Jersey from this pollution.Unless PLA is put into commercial or municilpal compost facilities that take table scraps,they will not break down!!!There are only 28 of these sites in the entire US.The Smithonian Magazine article called PLA as being compostable as possible false advertising as it does not break down in backyard composts. It is a given it will never degrade in lnlafidls, but do most consumers know that? We have been misled. Use Green Film products- lnlafidl degradable, compostable, and recycable with regular plastics.Rate this</a>: 2.5 (1 person)